Adventures and island hopping
We visit the old fishing villages in the isles, and experience the culture and nature. Mausundvær, Sula, Bogøyvær and the isles in Froan - they are all like small paradises in the ocean! Island hopping combines adventure and dining in an unforgettable way. Pub-to-pub trips in the isles are also popular, as we have some amazing coastal pubs out here. Let us organize a tour that meets your needs and desires.
Sula. Photo: Bjørn Olav Nordahl
Do you want to get to know the isles better? Visit for more pictures of these beautiful places. Here you will get a full overview of all dining and accommodation places.
Sula. Foto: Bjørn Olav Nordahl
Opplevelser som gir påfyll og gode minner!
Photo: Cecilie Rego
Photo: Tove Cecilie Fasting
Havna Kafé på Mausund og Sula Rorbuer og Havhotell.